Nearly sold out! Only 1 twin room (2 seats) available!
Gardens of Devon & Cornwall plus Chelsea Flower Show: 2 nts Exeter, 4 nts Falmouth, 2 nts Plymouth, 1 nt Bournemouth, 4 nts London
Contact DHTour at 1-888-597-3519 or 905-639-9954 or to book.
Enjoy a full day at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show!
This small group tour will explore the gardens of Devon & Cornwall with trainer Master Gardener, Linda Dietrick. We’ll discover and find inspiration in many themed gardens; such as a post-war garden with Gothic Revival architecture, the largest tea garden in England, a low maintenance garden, the finest rock garden, and even time at world famous Eden Project! We have stops and time at pretty fishing villages along the way. Plus – a full day at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show!
Min: 16 passengers
Max: 20 passengers
14 days/13 nights